In the previous article, Anticitera Island: The future of Artificial Intelligence? We talked about the possible creation of the .ia domain. Can you imagine having a .ia domain for your website? It would be a way to show the world that you are at the forefront of artificial intelligence and that you offer innovative and creative solutions. With a .ia domain you could attract more customers, partners and collaborators who are looking for the best in this dynamic and competitive field.
What does Anticithera Island have to do with artificial intelligence? Well, it turns out that as we explained in the previous article Anticitera Island - Cradle of Artificial Intelligence this small Greek island could become the symbol of a new way of understanding and developing this scientific discipline, beyond the domain of the English language, world powers and large corporations.
How? Well, through a simple but powerful idea: creating the ccTLD .
As Albert Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, and that is what this article is about, something I imagined, an idea so perfect that it haunted me from the moment it occurred to me.
One of the things that I love about computing are domains and web pages, that passion arose more than 20 years ago in the heat of the birth and rapid development of the Internet, I remember each and every one of the domains that I have bought as an individual and all the personal pages that I have been launching over the years.